a. You will need to install either Apache/Nginx web server on your system for Ubuntu. For Windows you can install XAMPP/WAMP web server. And for macOS please install MAMP. For to install Apache web server on your system (only applicable for ubuntu), run the below command:
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install nginx
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;
b. In the case of Ubuntu your root directory will be “/var/www/html” and in case of XAMPP it will be "C:\xampp\htdocs" and for WAMP it's "C:/wamp/www". For MAMP, the root directory is “/Applications/MAMP/htdocs”. Of course all directory paths can change depending on the version you install.
c. Now you have to install PHP and MySQL databases only in the case of Ubuntu. Because for the rest of the Operating systems XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP will do all the work for you. In Ubuntu, you can install the LAMP stack but that is a whole different story. Please keep the root name, password saved somewhere for further use.
d. To install PHP on your system please run the below command:
sudo apt-get install php libapache2-mod-php
sudo apt-get install php-fpm php-mysql
e. After installing PHP, you need to enable the mod_rewrite module. To do that please run this below command:
sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart apache2
sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo systemctl restart nginx
f. Now create a folder of your desired name in the root directory i.e. “/var/www/html” or "C:\xampp\htdocs" or "C:/wamp/www" or “/Applications/MAMP/htdocs”.
g. Put all the folders and files (i. e. application, assets, system, uploads and all other files) from inside the mars folder into the folder created in the previous step.
h. Please keep in mind that the .htaccess file is a very important file. It is inside the main script file (mars folder). Make sure that you have that file copied and pasted properly.
i. Now you will need to set up a MySQL database. You will need to set up a database only for Ubuntu operating systems because on Windows or macOS, softwares like XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP will take care of that for you. Now to install MySQL database on your Ubuntu system please open a terminal and write this below code:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
j. To install phpMyAdmin on your system, you will need to run below command on your terminal:
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
k. In both cases you will be asked to set up MySQL database passwords for later use, so please choose something strong and save it for later use.
l. Now in your MySQL database, create a database according to your desired name and upload the sql file (database.sql) provided with the script for Ubuntu. And to do that you will have to login into mysql using your user name and password; Then you will need to run the below command:
CREATE DATABASE `your desired databsae name`;
m. This time you will have to go the directory where the database.sql (provided with the script) file is and open a terminal there and run the below command:
mysql -u `your MySQL username` -p `your created database name in the last step` < database.sql;
n. If you have decided to install phpMyAdmin instead as described in point 'i', you will need to visit your
phpMyAdmin on the browser as suggested in the given tutorial and you will see the newly created database
there. Click on it, find Import and upload the database.sql provided with the script and click Go at the bottom.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this
o. Then go to application/config/database.php file to change your database configuration on line number 79, 80 and 81. You need to change database username, database password and database name that you had created during installation of MySQL or XAMPP or WAMP or MAMP.
p. Finally, change the entire folder permission of uploads to 755. To perform this action you will have to open the root directory of the application on a terminal. Here the root directory suggests to the directory of the script where application, assets,...,uploads are on. Then you will need to run the below command:
sudo chmod -R 755 uploads/
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data uploads/
sudo chown -R nginx:nginx uploads/
Now please visit http://localhost/folder-name-created-on-step-d and you should be able to see the login page of Saturn script.
a. In your cPanel Home create a database by visiting DATABASES -> MySQL Databases.
b. In that page you will first create a database. Then create a user with a password. And please keep all three (database name, user name, user password) information somewhere safe for further use. But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this tutorial;
c. Now add the created user to that database. Give all privileges and we are done here. Go back to the Home page of cPanel.
d. This time you need to visit DATABASES -> phpMyAdmin. It will take you to a different page but
you will see the newly created database there. Click on it, find Import and upload the database.sql
provided with the script and click Go at the bottom.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this
e. Now upload all the files (i. e. application, assets, system, uploads and all other files)
from inside the mars folder into public_html directory which you will find by visiting FILES -> File Manager
or you can create a folder in that public_html directory of your desired name and upload all
files from inside the mars folder into that newly created folder.
But for a far more detailed instructions please refer to this
f. Please keep in mind that the .htaccess file is a very important file. It is inside the root directory (mars folder). Make sure that you have that file copied and pasted properly.
g. Then go to application/config/database.php file to change your database configuration on line number 79, 80 and 81. You need to change database username, database password and database name that you had created during creating your database in step b.
h. Now please visit http://your-domain-name or http://your-domain-name/folder-name-created-on-step-e and you should be able to see the login page of Saturn script.
Please email for any kind of support t1m9m.com@gmail.com and thank you for trying.
When you enter the URL of your website, you have to login using email and password. The login type will be selected automatically from the email address.
function add (a,b) {
sum = a + b;
return sum;
After successfully logging in, you will see the Dashboard. Here you will see the number of Total Rooms, Total Tenants, Occupied Rooms, and Active Tenants. You can click on View Details on any of these boxes and you will be directed to the appropriate page. Below these boxes, you will also be able to see the Due Rents of the current month and Total Rents you are supposed to receive for the current month. Beside that you will be able to see the Due and Total rents of the previous month. Below that you will see the Total Utility Bills Overall, Total Expenses Overall, Total Due Rents Overall, and Total Rents Overall.
At the top right corner, you will see an icon that if you click, it will lead to two options:
On the left of the screen, you will be able to see the Main Navigation panel that will lead you to all the other sections on the website.
In this page, invoices can be generated for tenants.An invoice will be created for each tenant with a designated number, which you will be able to see in the list of tenant invoice, monthly invoice and all invoice.
There are three sections with different filters. They are:
By default, this page will show the yearly and current month's monthly rent obligations and payments. You may find the tenant's name, invoice number, room, amount, status (due or paid), date of update, and the person who modified the entry in each entry. There is a search option in this box's upper right corner as well. You will also be able to see the due and paid rent amounts of the selected month in the orange and blue boxes at the bottom right of the page. You can select a different month and year by typing in the top right box. Then hit Show.
Each tenant's name, address, date of invoice creation, payment due date, status (paid or due), month and year, amount of rent, and the estimated total amount due are all listed on a separate page that you can access by clicking on the invoice number next to each tenant's name. Click “Print” in the top right corner to print the invoice and give it to the tenant.
This page contains,
This page will by default display invoices for the chosen tenant. In each entry, you can see the name of the tenant, the invoice number, the room, the amount, the status (due or paid), the date of change, and the person who made the modification. In the top right of this box, there is also a search option. In the orange and blue boxes at the bottom right of the page, you can also view the selected tenant's due and paid rent amounts. A different renter can be chosen in the box at the upper right. then press Show.
You can access the separate page with each tenant's information by clicking on the invoice number next to their name. This page includes each tenant's name, address, date the invoice was created, payment due date, status (paid or due), month and year, amount of rent, and the estimated total amount due. To print the invoice and give it to the tenant, click “Print” in the top right corner of the page.
This page contains,
A list of all the invoices, both those that are due and those that have already been paid, can be found on this page. The tenant's name is displayed next to their invoice number, along with the room, amount, status (due or paid), creation and update dates, and the person who modified the information. There are also columns for whether email/sms were sent for the invoice. To send SMS, see invoices in PDF and email, update service and status, or delete an entry, click Actions on the right. To view more information and print an invoice, simply click on the number.
Each tenant's name, address, date of invoice creation, payment due date, status (paid or due), months and year, amount of rent, and the estimated total amount due are all listed on a separate page that you can access by clicking on the invoice number next to each tenant's name. Click “Print” in the top right corner to print the invoice and give it to the tenant.
This page contains,
Here you will see a list of all rooms with their daily as well as monthly rent, floor number/name, remarks and the date of update. You can also see the status (Occupied/Unoccupied) of the room. On the right side of each entry, there is an Action button. On the top right, there is a search bar and on the top left corner there is an Add Room button. Clicking the Add Room button, takes you to a page where you can add room here.
This page contains,
⬜ Occupied Room - Edit ,Vacant room
⬜ Unoccupied Room - Edit, Assign Tenant and Remove
⬜ Room Number/Name
⬜ Daily Rent
⬜ Monthly Rent
⬜ Floor Number
⬜ Remarks
Here you will see a list of all tenants, alongside information like bed and room number, picture, contact and emergency person, emergency contact, id number, id type, status (active/inactive) and date of update. Every entry has an Action button.
On the top left corner, there is an Add Tenant button. Clicking the button takes you to a page with a form for adding a new tenant. To add a new tenant, fill out the form in this page with the necessary details, including name, contact information, occupation, assigned room, status (active/inactive), lease period, emergency contact information, id number, email, password, profession and other personal information of the tenant. You can create an ID type in Settings->ID Types. Hit submit and you will be directed to the 'View all tenants' page where you will be able to see the new entry.
◈ If no room is selected when adding a tenant, the tenant is added as inactive otherwise, you must choose a room from the pst of available rooms.
◈ Tenant email and Tenant password should be put in only if you want login for that tenant.
◈ You can select a profession from the dropdown which is given from the beginning. You can create a profession on your own from Settings -> Profession.
◈ You can select an ID type from the dropdown which is given from the beginning. You can create an ID type on your own from Settings->ID Types.
This page includes,
⬜ Name
⬜ Mobile
⬜ Image
⬜ ID Type
⬜ ID Number
⬜ ID Image (Front and Back)
⬜ Address
⬜ Profession
⬜ Room
⬜ Lease Period
⬜ Password and other personal information
In this section, you can view all of your utility bills which are for the landowner/admin to keep track of the utility bills of the establishment. along with information about their status, creation, and updating. Details include the bill category, month, year, amount, status,create date, update date and more. To edit the information, change a bill's status (due to paid), or remove one particular bill from the list, click on the actions button on the right. A search bar with a keyword search function is located in the top right corner of the screen. The "Add Utility Bill" button is located in the top left corner and clicking it takes you to a page where you can add utility bills.
To add a new Utility Bill, fill out the form in this section with Utility Bill Category (water, electricity, gas etc created in Utility Bill Categories), year, month, amount and status (due or paid). Then hit Submit and the bill will be added to the list of all utility bills.
This page includes,
⬜ Utility Bill Category
⬜ Year
⬜ Month
⬜ Amount
⬜ Utility Bill Image
⬜ Status
Here, you can see all the various utility bill categories, along with the creation and update dates for each one. To change the name of any specific category, click Actions. You can add new bill categories using the box on the right. Simply enter the category name and press submit to add it to the current list.
This page includes,
The list of all complaints is available on this page with their details, status (open/close), tenant name, create & update date. Every entry has an Action button. You can see details and can reply also close the opened complaints. On the top left corner there is an Add Complaint button, clicking on this takes you to a page where you can add a new complaint here.
This page includes,
⬜ Tenant
⬜ Subject
⬜ Picture
⬜ Video relate to complaint
⬜ Details
All of the notices are displayed here both for hotel staff and tenants. Staff requires the appropriate permission to view notice, while tenants can view notice by default. Any important announcements from the hotel will be made and displayed here. Staff with necessary permission only can create, edit and remove a notice here. The "Add Notice" button is located in the top left corner and clicking it takes you to a page where you can add notice. By entering the necessary details, you can create notices in this section. The new notice will then be added to the list of notices after you click Submit.
This page contains,
⬜ Title of the notice
⬜ Body of the notice
This page will show the monthly rental report that the system automatically generates. For each individual entry, you can view the amounts, status (due/paid), tenant, services, and their cost along with the date, month and year. You can enter a year in the search field in the top right corner. You can see and download the generated Excel file of the rental report for that year.
The page contain,
The system's automated monthly expense report will be displayed on this page. You can see the amounts, names, and descriptions of each individual entry, as well as the date, month, and year. In the search box in the top right corner, you can type a year.You can see and download the generated Excel file of the expenses report for that year.
The page contain,
The system's automated monthly utility bill report will be displayed on this page. You can see the amounts, utility bill category, status (due/paid) of each individual entry, as well as the date, month, and year. In the search box in the top right corner, you can type a year.You can see and download the generated Excel file of the expenses report for that year.
This page contain,
This page will show the monthly accounts that the system automatically generates. You can view the total, paid, and outstanding balance for each month and year for each individual entry. There is a search bar in the top right corner where you can enter a year and get an account for that year.
Allows admin to keep track of the expenses of the establishment. The list of all expenses is available on this page. Each entry will have the name of the expense, month, year, amount, creation and update dates and description. To edit any information or remove an entry, click Action on the right A search bar is located in the top right corner.The "Add Expenses" button is located in the top right corner and clicking it takes you to a page where you can add expenses.
By entering the necessary details, you can create new expenses in this section. The expense will then be added to the list of expenses after you click Submit.
The page contains,
⬜ Name of the expenses
⬜ month
⬜ year
⬜ amount
⬜ description
Here you can view the entire staff list, along with their roles, mobile numbers, usernames, passwords, statuses (active or inactive), information of create and update. The system will automatically generate an ID and password when you create a new employee. The staff member's account can be used to change the password, but the username cannot.
To change their information, remove them from the list, or change their permissions, click on Actions. All of the website's pages are listed when you click on Permissions. Check the boxes next to those names to select which pages the staff member will have access to, and then click on Update.
The "Add Staff" button is located in the top left corner and clicking it takes you to a page with a form to add new staff. When you employ a new staff member, you can add them to the system by filling out the form in this section. Then click on submit and the bill will be added to the staff list.
The page includes,
⬜ Name
⬜ Role
⬜ Password
⬜ Mobile Number
⬜ Permission
⬜ Status
⬜ Remarks
Authorization given to the staff to access or use specific modules. You can give and also remove permission to access any module for any staff.
To add a staff payroll, fill out the form in this section by typing in the name of the staff or selecting from the drop down menu. Then select the year, month, amount, and status (due or paid) of the payroll. Then simply hit Submit and it will be listed in the staff payroll page.
Here you will see the list of all the staff payrolls next to the staff members' names, along with month, year, amount, date of creation and update. You will also be able to see the status, due or paid. To change the status or edit any other information or to remove an entry from the list, click on Action. On the top right corner, there is also a search bar. You will also be able to see the due and payroll amounts of the selected month in the orange and blue boxes at the bottom right of the page. You can select a different month and year by typing in the top right box. Then hit Show.
In this page you can see all the board members with their name, image and position. You can add board members in Settings -> Broad Member.
The page is typically a feature that allows users to keep track of the overall status of their tenants' leases or rental agreements. It allows management to make informed decisions about room availability and rental rates. Every entry has an Action button. There are four sections. They are,
- ➔ tenants whose leases have already expired or about to expire
- ➔ tenants whose leases are about to expire in 30 days or less
- ➔ tenants whose leases are about to expire in 60 days or less
- ➔ tenants whose leases are about to expire in 90 days or less
The page contains,
There are five forms on this page. The first one on the left is for updating website settings. Here you can change the system name, tagline, address, system font, language ( website language), currency, copyright and copyright URL. Type in the information and click Update.
You can change gmail SMTP settings like SMTP host, SMTP user and SMTP password on the left middle form. On the left bottom, you can change twilio settings like account SID, auth token and twilio phone number. Hit Update to save changes.
In the top right, you can change the logo by uploading an image of the specified dimensions. You can also see the logo preview above. Hit update to save changes.
There is a form for updating favicons on the right bottom. You can change the favicon in the same way as the logo.
A list of all the professions, along with their creation and update dates, can be found on this page. To edit or remove any information, click on actions. You can add new professions on the right. Simply enter the name and click Submit.
The page contains,
Services which are associated with invoices are listed on this page, along with information about their cost, creation and update dates. Action buttons are present on each entry. The right box allows you to add a new service name with cost. Just type the name and cost then hit submit.
The page includes,
On this page you will see a list of all the ID types along with date of creation and update. Every entry has an Action button. Click on that button to edit any information or to remove. You can create new ID types on the right box. Simply enter the name and click Submit.
The page contains,
You can find a list of all the payment methods on this page, along with information about their creation and update dates. Action buttons are present on each entry. You can remove or edit any information by clicking that button. The right box allows you to add a new payment method. Just type the name and hit submit.
The page includes,
On this page you will see a list of all the board members along with the date of creation and update. Every entry has an Action button. Click on that button to edit any information or to remove. You can create a new board member on the right box. Simply enter the name, image, position and serial then click Submit.
The page contain,
On this page, only an admin can change his/her username and password. Staff can only change their password. Simply type in your new desired username and password and hit Update. Changes will be saved. On the top right corner in every page, you will see an icon that if you click. There are also profile setting options along with log out.